

Updated: Mayo 14, 2014

Contact Information

Oregon Public Health Services
Immunization Program
800 NE Oregon Street
Suite 370
Portland, 97232
Phone: (971) 673-0300
Fax: (971) 673-0278

Vaccine Requirements for the State of Oregon

Vaccine requirements may be relaxed or eliminated in some regions and/or states due to shortages in the manufacture of some vaccines. Please contact your healthcare provider, or your local public health department for more information.

Vaccine Age/Grade Comments
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) Day Care, Head Start, K-12, Seventh Grade Day Care, Head Start- 4 doses or age appropriate

K-12- 5 doses DT unless 4th dose given after 4th birthday, then 4 doses.

Seventh grade - 1 dose of Tdap.

Hepatitis A Day Care, Head Start, Kindergarten 2 doses, age appropriate.
Hepatitis B Day Care, Head Start, K-12 Day Care, Head Start, K-12- 3 doses or age appropriate.
Hib Day Care, Head Start Day Care, Head Start- 3 or 4 doses, age appropriate  
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Day Care, Head Start, K-12, College/University Day Care, Head Start, K-12- 1 dose after 1st birthday

K-12 - 2 doses, age appropriate

College, University- 2 doses of measles are required for full-time enrollees in 4-year and certain students in community colleges born on or after 1/1/57

Meningococcal None/No Requirements None/No Requirements
Pneumococcal None/No Requirements None/No Requirements
Polio Day Care, Head Start, K-12 Day Care, Head Start- 3 doses; age appropriate

K-12- 4 doses unless 3rd dose after 4th birthday, then 3 doses

Varicella Day Care, Head Start, K-12 Day Care, Head Start, K-12 - 1 dose required age appropriate.
