Updated: December 26, 2011
Pertussis is a bacterial infection caused by Bordetella pertussis. The germ is spread when infected people cough or sneeze.
Children with pertussis have decreased ability to cough up respiratory secretions and develop thick, glue-like mucus in the windpipe. This causes severe coughing spells that make it difficult for them to eat, drink, or breathe. The child may suffer from coughing spells for two to three weeks or longer. Sometimes the child coughs several times before breathing in. When the child finally does breathe in there is often a loud gasp or “whooping” sound. The disease is most severe when it occurs early in life and it often requires hospitalization.
Unlike many other vaccine preventable diseases, the bacterium that causes pertussis, B. pertussis,continues to circulate in the population even though most have been immunized. Because pertussis is one of the most contagious human diseases, it is a great risk to those who are not vaccinated. Pertussis will develop in 90% of unvaccinated children living with someone with pertussis, and in 50% to 80% of unvaccinated children who attend school or daycare with someone with pertussis.
In the prevaccine era, pertussis was a universal disease, almost always seen in children. Between 1940-1945, before widespread vaccination, as many as 147,000 cases of pertussis were reported in the United States each year, with approximately 8,000 deaths caused by the disease. In 1976, there were 1,010 case of pertussis in the US, the lowest number of cases ever reported. Over the past few years the number of reported cases of pertussis has increased, reaching 25,827 in 2004; worldwide, there are an estimated 300,000 annual deaths due to pertussis. In 2009, there were 16,858 cases of pertussis with the greatest rate occuring in infants less than 6 months of age but with about half of the cases occuring in adolescents and adults.
No pertussis-only vaccine is available. The pertussis vaccine is available as:
Vaccines containing the whole cell pertussis component (DTP) are no longer recommended for use in the United States and are not listed here, although they are used in many countries. Vaccines containing lower amounts of diphtheria toxoid—abbreviated with a small d—are utilized in persons 7 years of age or older.
Name: Tripedia® (DTaP)
Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur
Year licensed: 2001
Name: Infanrix® (DTaP)
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline
Year licensed: 1997
Product Name: DaptacelTM (DTaP)
Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur
Year Licensed: 2002
Name: PediarixTM (DTaP, hepatitis B, and inactivated polio vaccines for use
for the first 3 doses of DtaP (but not the booster dose) in children 6 weeks
through 6 years of age).
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline
Year licensed: 2002
Name: Pentacel TM (DTaP, Hib conjugate, and inactivated polio vaccines)
Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur
Year licensed: 2008
Name: BoostrixTM (Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular
Pertussis Vaccine, Adsorbed for use in persons 10 years of age and older)
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals
Year licensed: 2005
Name: AdacelTM
(Tetanus Toxoid, Reduced Diphtheria Toxoid and Acellular Pertusis Vaccine,
Adsorbed for use in persons 11years of age and older) (Tdap)
Manufacturer: Sanofi Pasteur
Year licensed: 2005
None of the pertussis-containing vaccines used in the United states contain thimerosal preservative. For information on the thimerosal content in these vaccines, see the Food and Drug Administration at www.fda.gov/cber/vaccine/thimerosal.htm#t3
In the mid-1940s, the whole cell pertussis vaccine was combined with vaccines against tetanus and diphtheria. The combined DTP vaccine soon was routinely used in the United States, but is no longer recommended.
In 1991, the Food and Drug Administration licensed the DTaP vaccine (diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis). While DTP was made using whole cells of the pertussis germ, DTaP is made using only small, purified snippets of the germs. Fewer side effects have been reported with DTaP than with DTP. In 1991, DTaP was licensed for only the fourth and fifth doses in the series, and in 1997 it was licensed for all five doses.
Two new vaccines were licensed by the Food and Drug Administration for use in adolescents and adults in 2005. These vaccines are abbreviated Tdap.
There are 2 licensed vaccines that combine DTaP with other vaccine components, permitting a reduction in injections.
Who should receive the vaccine?
Detailed recommendations for the use of Tdap in adults are available from the CDC.
Who should not receive the vaccine?
People with the following conditions should discuss with their health care professional whether they should receive DTaP vaccine:
This vaccine is recommended by:
The complete childhood immunization
schedule can be found at:
A DTaP vaccine is given to most children at two, four, and six months of age. A fourth dose of DTaP is given between 15 and 18 months (17-20 months for Daptacel), and a fifth dose is given at age four to six years. PediarixTM1 can only be given for the first three doses a child receives. If the fourth dose was given after age four years, then no fifth dose is needed.
Receiving combination vaccines from different manufacturers, which may include different component vaccines, can make the dose schedule more complex. However, since giving combination vaccines means fewer shots overall for a child, healthcare providers will usually choose to administer them. Healthcare professionals should attempt to select vaccines for their patients, especially children who have been seen by others, based on what they have already been given.
Children younger than age seven who should not receive the pertussis vaccine should receive the DT (diphtheria-tetanus) vaccine.
Between the ages of seven and nine, Tdap—which contains the same amount of tetanus vaccine as DTaP or DT, but contains much less diphtheria toxoid— is given to protect against tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis.
At age 11-12 years, a booster shot of tetanus-diphtheria-acellular pertussis (Tdap) is needed. It should be given no later than 16 years of age. Every 10 years thereafter, a booster of Td is needed to maintain protection against diphtheria and tetanus.
One booster dose of Tdap is recommended for adults to replace a Td booster. Every 10 years thereafter, a booster of Td is needed to maintain protection against diphtheria and tetanus.
The DTaP vaccine is 95% effective in preventing all three diseases that it immunizes against—diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. It is 59-89% effective in preventing pertussis, while the protection rates for diphtheria and tetanus are higher. Pertussis occasionally occurs in children who have received the pertussis immunization, but it is less severe and has fewer complications.
The DTP vaccine is no longer recommended in the United States. DTaP is now recommended because the rates of all reactions following the DTaP vaccine are lower than with DTP; however, if a person had a serious adverse reaction related to DTP, they should not be given DTaP.
Vaccines, particularly pertussis-containing vaccines have been incorrectly blamed for many things in the past. For example, the evidence does not support a casual role for DTaP vaccines as a cause of asthma, autism, type 1 diabetes, brain damage, or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Severe encephalopathy (brain injury) within 7 days after DTaP vaccination is usually explainable by another cause but is also considered a reason to omit the pertussis component in subsequent doses of vaccine.
Half of those vaccinated with DTaP will experience no side effects at all. About half of those vaccinated will experience mild reactions such as soreness where the shot was given, fever, fussiness, reduced appetite, tiredness, or vomiting. Some children may experience a temporary swelling of the entire arm or leg where DTaP was given; this reaction is more common after the fourth or fifth dose of DTaP but does not indicate that it will happen again after the next dose.
Although a single case of recurrent Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS) after multiple doses of tetanus toxoid has been documented, analyses of cases of GBS found by active surveillance found no increased risk of GBS within 6 weeks following immunizations with tetanus toxoid-containing vaccines.
The rate of severe allergic reactions after DTaP is unknown but these occurred rarely after DTP vaccine so they are theoretically possible.
In rare cases (about 100 children out of 10,000 shots given, or about 1%) children have moderate reactions such as prolonged crying, fever of 105 degrees or higher, seizure, or the child becoming limp, pale, and less alert. Children who have had these reactions after DTaP have had no sequelae.
Studies have shown that children who receive the Hib vaccine in combination with or at the same time as the DTaP vaccine are no more likely to experience side effects than children who only receive the DTaP vaccine.
Outbreaks of pertussis have occurred when immunization levels fall following misinformation claims about pertussis-containing vaccines. To read more about this see Do Vaccines Cause That?! A Guide for Evaluating Vaccine Safety Concerns.