Parents Can Be Assured that Vaccinations for Kids Are Not Only Effective, but Safe
Noviembre 7, 2002
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Children’s Vaccine Program at PATH Will Support Scientifically Sound Information on Vaccines
Abril 4, 2002
A major new immunization initiative has been launched by the AAP, one of NNii's partner organizations.
Octubre 1, 2001
Editorial by NNii Executive Director and Steering Committee member published in the New England Journal of Medicine
Febrero 1, 2001
Article in November 2000 Pediatrics Highlights the Need for Better Information on Immunization
Octubre 30, 2000
Junio 30, 2000
American Medical Association Briefing on Microbial Threats, National Press Club Washington, DC
Junio 1, 2000
Vaccine Safe and Prevents Potentially Deadly Infection
Mayo 18, 2000