
New Hampshire

Updated: March 28, 2014

Contact Information

New Hampshire Department of Health & Human Services - Immunization Program
6 Hazen Drive
Concord, 03301
Phone: (603) 271-4482
Fax: (603) 271-3850

Vaccine Requirements for the State of New Hampshire

Vaccine requirements may be relaxed or eliminated in some regions and/or states due to shortages in the manufacture of some vaccines. Please contact your healthcare provider, or your local public health department for more information.

Vaccine Age/Grade Comments
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) Day Care, Head Start, K-12

Day Care: 4 doses - the third and fourth dose should be separated by at least 6 months.

K-12th — 6 years and under: 4 or 5 doses, with the last dose given on or after the 4th birthday.

7 years and older: 3 or 4 doses, with the last dose given on or after the 4th birthday.

11 years and older: A one-time dose of Tdap when more than 5 years have passed since the last tetanus toxoid containing vaccine;3 then boost with Td every 10 years. If a child turns 11 on or after the first day of school, they are required to have Tdap prior to first day of the next school year.

Hepatitis A None/No Requirements None/No Requirements
Hepatitis B Day Care, Head Start, K-12 3 doses given at acceptable intervals.
Hib Day Care, Head Start Day Care, Head Start- One dose on or after 15 months of age or four doses with the last dose administered on or after 12 months of age. Hib is not required for children > 5 years of age.
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Day Care, Head Start, K-12

Day Care, Head Start: One dose administered on or after age 12 months.

K-12: 2 doses required, at least one on or after the first birthday.

Meningococcal None/No Requirements None/No Requirements
Pneumococcal None/No Requirements None/No Requirements
Polio Day Care, Head Start, K-12 Day Care, Head Start- 3 doses age appropriate

Grades K –2nd: 3-4 doses with one dose on or after the 4th birthday, with the last two doses separated by 6 months. Grades 3-12: 3 doses, with the last dose given on or after the 4th birthday. Or 4 doses regardless of age at administration

Varicella Day Care, Head Start, K-12

Day Care: One dose administered on or after age 12 months.

K-11: 2 doses. Varicella vaccination or laboratory diagnosis of chicken pox disease is required.

12th grade: 1 dose.
