

Updated: February 6, 2014

Contact Information

Minnesota Department of Health - ITIH
PO Box 64975
St. Paul, 55164
Phone: (612) 676-5237
Fax: (612) 676-5689

Vaccine Requirements for the State of Minnesota

Vaccine requirements may be relaxed or eliminated in some regions and/or states due to shortages in the manufacture of some vaccines. Please contact your healthcare provider, or your local public health department for more information.

Vaccine Age/Grade Comments
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (DTaP) Day Care, Head Start, K-12, College/University Day Care, Head Start- Under 15 months: age appropriate; 15 months to 4 years: 4 doses; greater than 4 years: 5 or more doses

K-12- 5 doses unless 4th dose after 4th birthday; Td booster at 11 + years of age for Grades 7-12

College, University- All Minnesota H.S. graduates after 1997 and all out of state enrollees born after 1956

Starting Sept. 1, 2014, children enrolled or enrolling in child care, early childhood programs, and kindergarten through 12th grade and are completing their DTaP series must have had their final 5th dose on or after their fourth birthday. Tdap - For all students entering seventh grade. Students in eighth through 12th grade must show documentation if the school requests it. This replaces the Td immunization requirement.

Hepatitis A Day Care, Head Start For all children over 12 months old enrolled or enrolling in child care or an early childhood program.
Hepatitis B Kindergarten, Seventh Grade 3 doses required for K in 2000 school year and Grade 7. Required for all children over 2 months old enrolled or enrolling in child care or an early childhood program
Hib Day Care, Head Start Day Care, Head Start- Age appropriate
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) Day Care, Head Start, K-12, College/University Day Care, Head Start, K-12-  1 dose after 1st birthday

K-12-  MMR-  All Minnesota H.S. graduates after 1997 and all out of state enrollees born after 1956

7-12-  2nd dose of MMR required prior to entry


Meningococcal 8th to 12th grade For all students entering seventh grade. Students entering eighth through 12th grade must show documentation if the school requests it. A booster dose is required at age 16 years or three years later if the first dose was given between age 13-15 years
Pneumococcal Day Care, Head Start 2-24 months of age: 4 doses, age appropriate. See schedule here.
Polio Day Care, Head Start, K-12 Day Care, Head Start- Under 15 months: age appropriate; 15 months to 4 years old: 3 doses; 0-4 years old: 4 doses

K-12- 4 doses unless 3rd dose after 4th birthday, then 3 doses

Starting Sept. 1, 2014, children enrolled or enrolling in child care, early childhood programs, and kindergarten through 12th grade and are completing their polio series must have had their final 4th dose on or after their fourth birthday.

Varicella Day Care 2 doses: Must have received varicella vaccine by 15 months of age to enroll in child care or early childhood programs. This applies to children turning 15 months old on Sept. 1, 2014 or after. Additionally, the law clarifies that if a child had varicella disease: Before 2010, the parent or guardian needs to provide the month/year of the disease and their signature. A provider’s signature is not required. After 2010, a provider’s signature is required.
