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Immunization Science
Acceptance of HPV Vaccine Among Californian Parents
Are two doses of varicella vaccine more effective?
Attitudes Toward Vaccines Against STI
Autism and age at first MMR vaccination
Autism and Thimerosal: a Danish Study
Autism Cases in California After Removal of Thimerosal
Barriers for Influenza Vaccination
Characteristics of Anti-vaccination Web Sites
Chickenpox and life-threatening infections
Chickenpox Immunization and Hospitalization Rates
Childhood Vaccination and Type 1 Diabetes
Childhood Vaccinations and Risk of Asthma
Contagiousness of Chickenpox in Vaccinated Cases
Cost Effectiveness of Hepatitis A Immunization
Cost-benefit Analysis of Meningococcal Vaccine
Costs of Pertussis in Adolescents and Adults
Decline in Chickenpox Deaths
Demographics of Unvaccinated Children
Development of an HPV-16 Vaccine
Effect of Thimerosal and other Chemicals in Cell Cultures
Effectiveness of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine
Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccine in Older People
Effectiveness of Pneumococcal Vaccines in Adults
Effectiveness Over Time of Varicella Vaccine
Effects of the Joint Statement on Thimerosal on Hepatitis B Immunization
Efficacy of Injectable and Intranasal Influenza Vaccines
Elimination of Methylmercury and Ethylmercury from the Body
Elimination of Racial Differences in Pneumococcal Disease
Epidemiological Study on Autism and Thimerosal
Hepatitis B Birth Immunization and Neonatal Death
Hepatitis B Vaccine and the Risk of Multiple Sclerosis
Hib Incidence in England and Wales
How effective is PCV7?
How effective is varicella vaccine?
Impact of a large PCV7 Vaccination Program
Impact of a Varicella Vaccination Program
Impact of Hepatitis A Vaccination on American Indians and Alaska Natives
Impact of Hepatitis B Vaccine
Impact of Hib immunization in Kenya
Impact of Influenza Vaccination in the Elderly
Impact of Rotavirus Vaccine in Gastroenteritis Hospitalizations
Influenza Vaccination and High-Risk Medical Conditions
Influenza Vaccination and Mortality in the Elderly
Influenza Vaccination During Pregnancy
Influenza Vaccine and Asthma
Influenza Vaccine During Pregnancy and Infant Hospitalizations
Malaria Vaccine Candidate
Measles Control in Africa
Measles Elimination in Mexico
Measles Immunization and Brain Damage Prevention
Measles Transmission in Immunized Communities
Measles, Mumps Vaccination and Hearing Loss
Mercury Concentrations in Immunized Children
Mercury Levels After Vaccines with Thimerosal
Misinformation Can Cause Disease Outbreaks
Missed Opportunities for Adult Immunization
MMR Vaccination and Febrile Seizures
MMR Vaccination and Pervasive Developmental Disorders
Neurodevelopmental Disorders and TCVs
No Evidence that MMR Vaccine Causes Autism
PCV7 Adverse Events
PCV7 and Antibiotic Resistance
PCV7 and Ear Infections
PCV7 and Invasive Pneumococcal Disease
Pneumococcal Vaccine and Racial Disparities
Policy Implications of Breakthrough Chickenpox
Polio Vaccine and AIDS
PPV23 and Adults with Pneumonia
Review of Published Data on Thimerosal and Autism
Risk of HPV Infection After Sexual Debut
Risk of Pertussis Infection When Parents Refuse Vaccination
Rotavirus Burden in the United States
Safety of the Intranasal Influenza Vaccine
Shingles Vaccine for Older Adults
Strategies for Use of Tdap Vaccine in Adolescents and Adults
Thimerosal and Brain Development
Thimerosal Exposure and Developmental Disorders
Thimerosal Exposure and Neuropsychological Outcomes
Thimerosal Exposure and Risk of Autism
Typhoid Fever in Travelers
Vaccine Safety Concerns and Immunization Status
Vaccines and Asthma Among Full-Term Infants
Whooping Cough Deaths Among US Young Infants
Diseases Prevented by Vaccines
State Requirements
Encefalitis Japonesa
Enfermedad de Lyme (Borreliosis)
Enfermedad Meningocócica
Enfermedad Neumocócica
Fiebre Amarilla
Fiebre tifoidea
Haemophilus influenzae tipo b (Hib)
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
Influenza (gripe)
Paperas (Parotiditis)
Tos ferina (Pertusis o Tos convulsa)
Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH)