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Immunization Science
Immunization Issues
Vaccines and the Diseases they Prevent
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Immunization Science

NNii provides up-to-date information on immunization science. This section contains synopses of articles from the scientific, peer-reviewed literature related to vaccines and immunization. Each synopsis includes a comment from NNii intended to guide readers on the strengths, weaknesses and implications of the study.


Influenza Vaccines (7 Articles)

  • Efficacy of Injectable and Intranasal Influenza Vaccines

    This study compared the efficacy of the injectable inactivated (TIV) and the intranasal attenuated (LAIV) influenza vaccines in healthy adults.
  • Barriers for Influenza Vaccination

    In addition to the well-recognized barriers to successful influenza vaccination, this study demonstrates that misperceptions about the need, effectiveness, and safety of influenza vaccination remain an important impediment to immunization.
  • Influenza Vaccination and High-Risk Medical Conditions

    This study estimated the effectiveness of influenza vaccination in reducing serious complications in persons less than 65 years old with high-risk medical conditions during an influenza epidemic.
  • Influenza Vaccination and Mortality in the Elderly

    Taking into account the aging of the population and the different types of influenza viruses that have caused epidemics, this study analyzed if there has been a reduction in mortality as influenza vaccine coverage has increased among the elderly.
  • Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccine in Older People

    Although universal influenza immunization has been recommended for older Americans for many years, this recommendation was not made in the United Kingdom until recently. This study assessed the effectiveness of influenza immunization in people older than 64 years in the UK.
  • Safety of the Intranasal Influenza Vaccine

    This study found that the intranasal influenza vaccine was generally safe in older children and adolescents. However, there may be an increased risk of asthma in children younger than 36 months of age.
  • Effectiveness of Inactivated Influenza Vaccine

    How effective is the inactivated influenza vaccine? This study showed that inactivated vaccines were effective against Influenza A in children 1 to 16 years of age.
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