
HPV Vaccines

Many adolescents, adults and healthcare providers have a limited understanding of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections, particularly those that are sexually transmitted. Further, many are uninformed about the links between genital HPV infection, abnormal Pap tests and cervical—and other—cancers. People must understand these issues to make informed decisions about the new vaccines to prevent HPV-caused diseases. This section explains what HPVs are, how the genital types are acquired, what happens once someone is infected, and discusses strategies for the prevention of genital HPV infections, including strategies for using the new vaccines.


HPV Infection in Women Who have Sex with Women

This article explains why women who have sex with other women should receive the vaccine HPV vaccine.

Updated: Marzo 1, 2007 | Read full article...

Human Papilloma Viruses (HPVs)

Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are a group of more than 120 different viruses, some of which cause cervical cancer. A new vaccine against HPV will soon be available.

Updated: Febrero 1, 2007 | Read full article...

Mandatory HPV Immunization for Middle School Girls

Many states are considering whether or not to mandate HPV vaccine for school entry for sixth grade and above. What are the issues pro and con regarding HPV vaccine mandates?

Updated: Junio 3, 2008 | Read full article...

Prevention of HPV Infections

A potential tool for preventing HPV infections and thus cervical and anogenital cancers are vaccines. Will these vaccines be effective?

Updated: Febrero 1, 2007 | Read full article...

Safety of Human Papillomavirus Vaccine

This article examines the available data on the safety of the human papillomavirus vaccine and the misinformation surrounding it.

Updated: Febrero 12, 2009 | Read full article...

Virus del Papiloma Humano (VPH)

Los virus del papiloma humano (VPH) son un grupo de más de 120 virus diferentes, algunos de los cuales causan cáncer del cuello uterino. La vacuna contra el VPH ha sido introducida recientemente.

Updated: Julio 22, 2011 | Read full article...

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