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Responses to Media Stories

Response to Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
[April 03, 2001]

About immunization

The March 21 editorial urging parents to make sure their children have received their second dose of the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine ('Not a Shot in the Dark') is timely and important. The Post-Gazette's accurate portrayal of vaccines as victims of their own success is a message that bears repeating.

The National Network for Immunization Information is a partnership of the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Nurses Association, Infectious Diseases Society of America and the Pediatric Infectious Disease Society. We are committed to providing accurate, scientifically based information about immunization to the medical community and the public at large. That information can be accessed at In the face of often confusing immunization schedules and the sometimes misleading information spread on the Internet and in the press, responsible editorials like this one are a refreshing and beneficial service to readers.

Editor's note: The writer is executive director of the National Network for Immunization Information.

Bruce Gellin, MD
Department of Preventative Medicine
Vanderbilt School of Medicine

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