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Texas Group Fights Polio in India
Fort Worth Star-Telegram; 2
Huff, Charlotte


India is one of just seven countries in the world where the polio virus still threatens the population, with 85 percent of the worldwide cases identified there last year. Six volunteers from the North Texas Rotary International organization made the trip to Calcutta this month to distribute wheelchairs to long-time polio patients and to participate in a nationwide vaccination drive. Volunteers Don Boren and Janelle Kavanaugh are part of the mission to eradicate polio worldwide, a goal that Rotary International has been championing, along with various health organizations, since 1985. India's government has been aggressively trying to educate the public about the importance of the vaccine, including using outreach programs that feature film and television stars. "Every time you picked up the phone there was a message that said, "Be sure and have your children immunized against polio,'" Boren said.

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