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Smallpox Vaccine to Go to Public
Associated Press;
Meckler, Laura


After months of grappling over how the smallpox vaccine should be administered to the public in case of a bioterrorism assault, the White House reportedly is preparing to offer all Americans protection against smallpox prior to an actual attack. Federal advisers had recommended that the vaccine be offered only to select core of hospital workers because of the dangerous side effects, but given the increasing possibility of a war with Iraq, as well as additional supplies of the vaccine, administration officials say the vaccine will eventually be offered to all Americans. Although the White House does not yet have a plan for the so-called "pre-attack" smallpox vaccinations, administration officials say the shots will likely start with those at highest risk of being exposed to a smallpox patient, such as emergency room workers at hospitals and then move to non-hospital health workers and other emergency workers.

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