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National Network for Immunization Information Awarded $850,000 in Grants
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The National Network for Immunization Information (NNii), a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing accurate information about immunizations, recently announced that it has received two grants in support of its education and communication programs on vaccines. The organization received $100,000 from the Seattle-based Children's Vaccine Program at Program for Appropriate Technology in Health, and $750,000 from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The network's education and communication programs are extremely important, as recent research has revealed that up to 25 percent of parents have expressed doubts about the safety of vaccines. In addition, most health providers in the United States have reported that at least one family in their practice has refused to get one or more generally recommended vaccines over the last 12 months, citing "philosophical" or "safety" issues. According to Dr. Bruce Gellin, executive director of NNii, "These grants allow NNii to continue to fulfill its mission to improve the immunization dialogue among parents, health care professionals, the media, and policy makers. NNii serves as an independent and scientifically credible source of information about immunization policies and practices and related issues of vaccine safety and effectiveness."

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