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Nigeria: Global Alliance Makes Plans to Immunize 40 Million Children in Developing Countries
Africa News Service;


During the next five years, nearly 40 million children in developing countries will be the targets of a massive immunization program by the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI). Carol Bellamy, the new chairman of GAVI and UNICEF's executive director, reports that their goal is to reach a minimum 80 percent immunization rate among children against the six major childhood diseases. At a cost of $600 million, the GAVI program will entail the joint efforts of governments and partners in both donor and recipient countries in securing long-term commitments from the drug industry. According to Bellamy, UNICEF purchases vaccines for over half of the world's children, making it the single largest buyer of vaccines. As chairman of GAVI, she will be targeting the governments of the developing nations for improvements and the ability to organize comprehensive immunization programs for children.

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