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NNii Member Testimony
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If immunization legislation is under consideration in your state, NNii can serve as a source of science-based information. Search for state requirements, find in-depth information on each common vaccine, and review NNii expert testimony.

NNii Member Testimony
NNii members are frequently asked to speak before Congress and other legislative organizations on vaccine policy and safety information. Some of this testimony includes:

Letter from NNii submitted to House Committee on Government Reform
[June 17, 2002]

NNii Statement to Congress
[April 4, 2000]

Statement Before the House Government Reform Committee
"Vaccines: Finding A Balance Between Public Safety And Personal Choice"
Samuel L. Katz, MD, NNii Co-Chair

[August 3, 1999]

Statement Before the House Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources Committee on Government Reform
Samuel L. Katz, MD, NNii Co-Chair

[May 18, 1999]

© Copyright National Network for Immunization Information. The information contained in the National Network for Immunization Information Web site should not be used as a substitute for the medical care and advice of your health care provider. There may be variations in treatment that your health care provider may recommend based on individual facts and circumstances.
