Communicating With Patients About Immunization: How it Was Developed and How it Can Help You
This presentation was developed by NNii Steering Committee members as well as other leading immunization experts who wish to inform healthcare professionals about NNii's resource kit. Slides may be downloaded and used in public free of charge.
[In order to view and use this presentation, you should have Microsoft Power Point installed on your computer.]
"Vaccines and Infectious Diseases: Putting Risk into Perspective"
Dr. Bruce G. Gellin
American Medical Association Briefing on Microbial Threats
National Press Club, Washington, DC
[June 1, 2000]
"Strengthening the Public's Trust in Immunization: The Challenge at the New Millennium"
Dr. Louis W. Sullivan
1999 African American Immunization Summit
[May 27, 1999]
"Maintaining the Public's Trust in Immunizations"
Dr. Louis W. Sullivan
1998 National Immunization Conference
[July 21, 1998]