To Candidates for Fellowship in
Adult Infectious Diseases
The Infectious Disease Society of America has compiled
a guide describing the available fellowship training programs in Adult Infectious
The purpose of this guide is to provide information on the curriculum of ID fellowship
training and on individual fellowship training programs. While space limitations preclude
detailed descriptions of each program, the information provided here will serve as
a starting
point for gathering further data.
The American Board of Internal Medicine has developed
criteria for certification in the subspecialty of Adult Infectious Diseases.
The curriculum requirements for training in Adult Infectious
Diseases were recently reviewed in a series of regional and national meetings of
Infectious Disease Division Chiefs/Program Directors. The conclusions from those meetings
are summarized here, and serve as a framework for using this guide
and during your selection of fellowship programs.
This is an exciting time to enter the specialty of Infectious
Diseases. We encourage you to approach members of the Infectious Disease Society of
America at your institution or elsewhere with questions about the discipline. In addition,
we hope that you will visit the programs in which you are the most interested, to provide
the best possible perspective on which program is best suited to your needs.
Keith Joiner, M.D.
Chairman, ID/IM Training Program Directors Committee