About IDSA's Job Bank

Membership in IDSA includes more than 5,000 internal medicine and pediatric infectious disease physicians and scientists--the vast majority of those in the United States. As a benefit of membership, IDSA maintains this job bank for those who are seeking an ID professional for a job opening and for IDSA members who are seeking an ID employment opportunity.  

The IDSA Job Bank consists of two areas--one for listing Job Openings and one for listing Job Seekers. Although anyone may request that an employment opportunity be posted (see how below), only IDSA members may search the subsequent postings in the Job Openings section. By the same token, although anyone may search and/or view the listings of ID specialists who are seeking job opportunities, only IDSA members may post a listing in the Job Seekers section.

How to Post in IDSA's Job Bank


There is no charge to post a listing in IDSA's job bank. However, submissions are reviewed for completeness and potential interest to IDSA members. Not every listing submitted to IDSA will be posted.  Please allow up to five working days for a submission to be approved and posted, and do not send more than one of the same listing to IDSA.

Some listings that will not be posted include:

  • Job openings for (or job seekers looking for) training positions
  • Job openings for (or job seekers looking for) non-doctoral level positions
  • Postings from job placement agencies

To submit a job opening or a listing seeking a job, fill out the online form by clicking on the appropriate button above. 

Reminder:  Although anyone may request that an employment opportunity be posted,  only IDSA members may search the subsequent postings in the Job Openings section. By the same token, although anyone may search and/or view the listings of ID specialists who are seeking job opportunities, only IDSA members may post a listing in the Job Seekers section.

Help Us Keep the Job Bank Current

Once your listing is posted (which may take up to five days), it will remain online for three months. If your job opening is filled or you find a job prior to that time--or to make changes in your listing--please contact IDSA by email or call (703) 299-0200. By helping us keep the job bank up to date, it will minimize your receipt of unnecessary applications or inquiries about a job or job seeker.  


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  Infectious Diseases Society of America    99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 210    Alexandria, VA 22314
Phone: (703) 299-0200       Fax: (703) 299-0204       
Email: [email protected]