By virtue of their training and experience these physicians
have a special interest in the detection of new or resurgent
infectious diseases. Such diseases may be new, e.g., diarrhea
caused by Cyclospora or bloodstream infections caused
by Bartonella henselae; or they may be known entities
whose incidence appears to be increasing, e.g., streptococcal
toxic shock syndrome, ehrlichiosis, or infections caused by
antimicrobial-resistant bacteria.
The EIN is intended to function primarily as an "early
warning system" for the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) and other public health agencies by providing
information about unusual cases encountered in the clinical
practices of its members. It may also assist in outbreak
investigations, provide information on physician practices,
conduct investigations on the cause of certain illnesses, and
disseminate knowledge about new microbial threats. See
more information about EIN in About Us.
All Infectious Diseases physicians who are either a member
of the IDSA or the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society (PIDS)
and who see patients on a regular basis are encouraged to join
the IDSA EIN. The only requirement is willingness to complete
and return the periodic queries and, occasionally, an urgent
query. Both types of queries are designed for completion
within two minutes without chart review or other research. In
return, you will receive EIN reports, be able to provide input
on future surveys, and be added to the mailing list for the
CDC's journal, Emerging Infectious Diseases.
More intensive levels of participation, which are optional,
involve taking part in a CDC ongoing query or participating in
the electronic mail conference with other EIN members. We hope
that you will enlist to help us advance this unique Society
For those interested in joining, please
fill out the online form.
Anyone wishing to participate from
outside of North America is welcome to join; however,
membership status will be slightly different. Due to financial
restraints, international members will respond to periodic
queries and obtain report results via this web site.
International members will also receive the CDC's journal, Emerging
Infectious Diseases, but will not partake in urgent or
ongoing queries.
For more information, please contact
Laura Liedtke, EIN program